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Best benchmarking sites for physical quality of smartphones

Best benchmarking sites for physical quality of smartphones 

Hi Guys today in this article I am going to tell you about some really good sites for benchmarking of smartphone physical quality.

1.So in our list the first site is Geekbench because Geekbench is the trusted website we prefer so GeekBench Is 1st in our list because of this website has every single smartphone benchmark and also geekbench also available for Pc benchmarks it is also Known for Availaibility.

2. And Second site is and this site come in our list because of Its rank this website is also good for benchmark of mobile phone But Like GeekBench antutu is only available to Android And Ios antutu does not support pc benchmarks And this website is really popular website 

3.And on the third Number gsmarena takes place GsmArena is not only provides mobile phone benchmarks but this Site also provides genuine leak and news this site is also good and speciality of this site is This site provides everything true and all information everyone need and This site also publish reviews on their Site so you can check

4.It comes gfxbench this site also provides mobile benchmarks and also pc benchmarks this site is also known for android benchmarks as it mention the site name But this site is only available to android so IOS users can't use this and this also don't support Pc benchmarks

So That's it for today So if you like this article make sure to subscribe our website and other social media handles And I will see you guys in the next video Good Bye.


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